Tuesday, September 29, 2009


shallow depth of fieldF 3.2
SS 1/30
exposure mode: night scene
some would say its blurry.  i like that because they are running shoes and i find it fitting they are blurring...... that is why is used night scene.

On the Fence

wide depth of fieldF 7.1
SS 1/800
Exposure Mode: P

once again. much more meaningful than a simple fence. hence the muted colors and faded touches

time out

stop action F 7.1
SS 1/1600
Exposure Mode: P

one for class. a stop action photo.
but for me i like the sections: grass, dirt, sky. the implied lines and the actual lines are visually intriguing.

the night is young

Blurred Motion
F 2.8
SS 1/5
Exposure Mode: Night

I like the movement of the tail lights on the black background.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


F 4.5
ss 1/8
Exposure mode P
Bird's eye view

i absolutely love this photo. monotone. texture. empty space.

Good Morning

F 2.8
SS 1/30
Exposure mode P
filling the frame

i worked in a coffee shop while going to college and this was a high point of my day.  great contrast and angles.


F 2.8
SS 1/30
Exposure mode P
Rule of Thirds

love this texture and the angle.  i think the lighting is fun. i was thoroughly amuzed trying to capture this.... might explain a little bit about me :) 


F 2.8
SS 1/30
Exposure mode:P
Filling the Frame

love money.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Andy Warhol

i took printmaking in college and absolutely loved it. at first, i was not so fond but after i got the hang of it and made some prints that i love i soon became a huge fan. and therefore Andy Warhol is one of my inspirations.

Aubrey Beardsley

I love the use of lines, the flow of the ink. They seem very sensual and smooth. I am also a huge fan of contrast and the black on white is perfect, clean contrast.

Chuck Close

My freshman year of college, in Art Appreciation class, I had to do a paper about him. Since then he has been one of my favorite artists. I am so intrigued by all the detail in each square that makes up the portraits. It is something I have always wanted to do.

Georgia O'keefe

She paints flowers, usually close up and very colorful. Flowers are a subject that I love. I love to draw them, photograph them, paint them, smell them.....

Quentin Tarantino

Writer and director of some of my all time favorite movies! Kill Bill vol.1 and 2, Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Bastards....just to name a few!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

in my mind...

My name: Jolene Rae

Childhood ambition: To be a Disney Character

Fondest Memory: wake boarding with Matty

Proudest moment: selling my art to the School of the Blind

Biggest challenge: staying afloat

Alarm clock: what alarm clock?!

Perfect Day: up early, hiking, taking pictures, then margaritas....

Indulgence: red mango

Favorite movie: Inglorious Bastards, Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2

Soundtrack: Dave Matthews Band or Fleetwood Mac

Inspirations: everything....

My life is: colorful